2010 documents
Medallion Reforms in San Francisco adopted February 2010 by the
Municipal Transportation Agency. The reforms allow for the sale at a
fixed price of a limited number of taxicab medallions by the city and
by medallion holders who are disabled or who are over 70 years old.
(125KB PDF)
Driving Austin, Driving Injustice is a February 2010 report on the
working conditions of taxi drivers in Austin, Texas. It is published
by Legal Assistance to Micro-Enterprises, a project of Texas Rio
Grande Legal Aid. The report depends on self-reporting for its
findings that the average driver makes $2.75 an hour and works 12
hours a day, 6.5 days a week, 51.5 weeks per year. (3.5MB PDF)
2009 documents
Who Owns Taxi Licences? Exclusive Taxi Licences and Transparency, a
report by David Seymour of the Frontier Centre for Public Policy in
Regina, Saskatchewan. September 2009 - 1.5MB PDF
Dispatching Injustice: Cab Drivers' Struggle In Prince George's County
(Maryland) is a July 2009 report by the "Advancement Project" in
partnership with Prince George's County Taxi Workers Alliance. The
report analyzes industry structure and recommends regulatory changes
to improve opportunities for taxi drivers.
Trapp v. Big Poppa's LLC et. al., class action complaint in US
District Court alleging racketeering violations by Las Vegas
nightclubs for paying kickbacks to taxicab and limousine drivers. June
2009 - 1.8mb PDF
An overhaul of taxi regulation in San Francisco commenced in 2009. See
the Municipal Transportation Agency's MTA Taxi website for links to
documents under review, including a re-write of taxi rules and various
proposals to revise the medallion system.
In March, University of Illinois Professor Robert Bruno released a
2008 report titled Driven Into Poverty: A Comprehensive Study of the
Chicago Taxicab Industry. The study uses self-reporting by drivers
(not taximeter statistics) to determine driver earnings. According to
the report, a full-time owner-driver who is paying off a $140,000
medallion earns just 56-cents an hour, including tips, for a total net
income of $3,425 a year. Shift-lease drivers working 70-hours a week
earn just $4.07 an hour, or less than $12,000 a year before taxes. The
report suffers from apparent errors in arithmetic such as the table on
page 12. A short version of the report is available as an Executive
Economic Review of the Small Public Service Vehicle Industry prepared
by Goodbody Economic Consultants for the Commission for Taxi
Regulation in March 2009. This is a study of the effects of open-entry
deregulation in Ireland between 2000 and 2008. The number of taxis in
Dublin rose from 2,759 to 12,568 (an increase of 355%) while the
number of taxi rides increased by just 82%. The Goodbody Review was
rejected by transport regulators and precipitated a national work
stoppage by taxi operators. In May 2009, LHM Casey McGrath (a firm of
Chartered Certified Accountants) prepared a Critical Evaluation ∧
Review of the Goodbody study.
Blount et. al. v PPA February 2009 Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision
affirming the right of the Philadelphia Parking Authority to regulate
The Case For Taxi Deregulation by David Seymour of the Frontier Centre
(Regina, Saskatchewan) February 2009.
Winnipeg Taxi Study and recommendations by Dr. Ray Mundy, February
2009. The study was contracted by the Manitoba Taxicab Board. See also
the appendices to the report. The emphasis is on increasing the role
of "full-service" taxicab companies.
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